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Author name: GNDU Previous Solved Papers

departmental accounting

departmental accounting

Define Departmental Accounting. What are the basis upon which the joint expenses are allocated to different departments. Meaning of Departmental:- Department are different segments of a business under the same roof. These departments or sections in a business house deal in different types of goods, products or services. These segments and sections are called departments. …

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difference between normal loss and abnormal loss

difference between normal loss and abnormal loss

Every business contains some type of loss. Whether such firms may be types of manufacturing or rendering services. As some losses can be avoided and some are unavoidable losses. These types of loss can be two types as follows.  LOSS OF STOCK  IN the consignment goods have to move from one place to another Place. …

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difference between joint venture and partnership

difference between joint venture and partnership

Meaning of Joint Venture:- Joint venture is a temporary partnership between two or more persons. Without the use of a firm name. In such business two or more persons who agree to undertake a particular venture. In such business only a number of transactions and projects. Which are carried mainly for a short period. In …

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ricardian theory of rent notes

ricardian theory of rent notes

Elaborate the Recardian theory of rent in case of Extensive and Intensive Cultivation. ricardian theory of rent notes Meaning of Rent:- In economics, which payment is made to the landlord for the purpose of using his land for production is called rent. Definition According to Oser, “Economic rent is the payment for the use of …

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variance analysis

variance analysis

Explain the significance of variance analysis in decision making. Classify the various material and labour variance. Also give reasons for their occurrence. Meaning of Variance:- The difference between the standard cost and actual cost is known as the variance. So it is the next process, after the establishment of standard cost. When actual cost is …

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indifference curve analysis

indifference curve analysis

Meaning of Indifference curve:- An indifference curve is that line of points which shows different combinations of two commodities which yield equal satisfaction to the consumer. Definition According to the leftwich:- “A single indifference curve shows the different combinations of X and Y that yield equal satisfaction to the consumer”. In other words:- The combination …

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