crossorigin="anonymous"> Economics - Gndu solved question papers with answers


ricardian theory of rent notes

ricardian theory of rent notes

Elaborate the Recardian theory of rent in case of Extensive and Intensive Cultivation. ricardian theory of rent notes Meaning of Rent:- In economics, which payment is made to the landlord for the purpose of using his land for production is called rent. Definition According to Oser, “Economic rent is the payment for the use of …

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indifference curve analysis

indifference curve analysis

Meaning of Indifference curve:- An indifference curve is that line of points which shows different combinations of two commodities which yield equal satisfaction to the consumer. Definition According to the leftwich:- “A single indifference curve shows the different combinations of X and Y that yield equal satisfaction to the consumer”. In other words:- The combination …

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Relation Between Average Cost and Marginal Cost

Relations Between Average Cost and Marginal Cost

What are the different concepts related to Costs? Describes the relation between the average cost and marginal cost. Concepts of Costs:- Costs concepts are used in a different way in economics as following: Relation Between Average Cost and Marginal Cost We can understand their relation between Average and Marginal Cost with the help of the …

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price determination under perfect competition

price determination under perfect competition

What is a perfect Competition? What are its Characteristics? How is the price of a commodity determined under perfect Competition? ( 2016 ) Perfect Competition:- Perfect Competition is that market where there are a large number of buyers and sellers of homogeneous products. It is impossible to distinguish between the units being sold by them. …

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nature and scope of microeconomics

nature and scope of microeconomics

Discuss the Nature and Scope of Micro Economics. Meaning of Microeconomics:- Microeconomics is the branch of economics that deals with the behavior of an individual Consumer, firm and family is known as Microeconomics. Microeconomics is concerned with the analysis of individuals, households study and firm’s behavior in decision making and apportioned of Scarce Resources for …

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