crossorigin="anonymous"> Difference between capital expenditure and revenue expenditure best 01 ans

difference between capital expenditure and revenue expenditure

difference between capital expenditure and revenue expenditure
difference between capital expenditure and revenue expenditure

Difference between capital expenditure and revenue expenditure

Meaning of Capital Expenditure:- Capital expenditure means which expenses are incurred with the intention for long term benefit is called Capital Expenditure.


ACCORDING to Carter :- “Capital items are those, the benefit of which is derived over a number of Accounting periods.

Meaning of Revenue Expenditure:- Which expenditure is incurred for the current year. Benefit of which is crops in the accounting year.


ACCORDING TO CARTER- Revenue items are those benefits of which are derived over the normal accounting period.


Basis of Difference Capital Expenditure Revenue Expenditure 
Period Capital expenditure gives the benefits beyond the accounting year. Advantage of such expenditure lasts over a number of years.Benefit of Revenue expenditure is derived during the current accounting year. 
Expired or Unexpired It is referred to as the cost of future benefits. As well as unexpired cost.It is that cost which provides benefit immediately after cost incurred.
Fixed AssetsFixed assets are purchased by such cost. Stock is purchased with such cost which is meant for sale.
Nature of Expense It is non-recurring Expenditure.It is Recurring expenditure.
Effects on Earning It helps businesses to increase their earning capacity.It helps in maintaining earning capacity.
Transfera-bility It can be transferred for a price.This is not transferable.
Right over Property It gives the right to possession of property belonging to the owner.No such rights are provided by revenue expenditure.

Conclusion:- We can understand that Capital expenditure belonged to the long term, whereas revenue expenditure is current. You need to learn their definition and meaning properly from the heart.

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Difference between capital expenditure and revenue expenditure

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