Revealed preference theory

Explain the Revealed Preference Hypothesis. How can you derive the law of demand through Revealed Preference Theory? Meaning of Revealed Preference Theory:- It is that theory which reveals his actual behaviour toward his preference for a combination of goods. In other words :- It reveals that consumers actually consume goods which are preferred by him. …

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nature and scope of microeconomics

nature and scope of microeconomics

Discuss the Nature and Scope of Micro Economics. Meaning of Microeconomics:- Microeconomics is the branch of economics that deals with the behavior of an individual Consumer, firm and family is known as Microeconomics. Microeconomics is concerned with the analysis of individuals, households study and firm’s behavior in decision making and apportioned of Scarce Resources for …

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Investment in indian economy

Investment in indian economy| Favourable factors of investment | Why people do investment

Essential Portfolio management NOTES Why do people invest? What are the factors which are favorable for making investment in an economy? ( 2015 ) Ans:- Meaning of investment- Investment refers to an asset or wealth acquired with the intent of generating income and appreciation in it. When assets are purchased with the intention of increasing …

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